Wednesday, November 22, 2006

dear jennifer,
notnight, i am a little drunk.
i never really have been drunk before. but that is what havppens when your mom omes to ctown y and you start having a little wine. two clgasses, really . . . hen you make a tiramisu (pumkin) for tomrowwos . . . then your husband comes home. heteny you go out to dinner and have more glasses of inwne . . . maybe like, three more . . .
PLUS! you are on pain killers for your chrnoic bakc pain.

8i kklujke like wine a lot . . . red wirne . . . a lot. it is tastey. and it really makes me a litle crazye. i had my first drink ---- reall drin k ---- in seminary. SEMINARY of allplaces. i really like bialey's and cream. uyummo! so tatesly!!!! i like woine, too. and in seminary, io learned that drinking is thnot of the devil.

bui do know getting driunk is not good.
ithis really is my first tinme.

i have been tispy before.
btu this is different.



i think i just peed the pants
do you love the fact that i was able to correctly type and spell tiramisu . . . but not words like wine, then, or back?
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